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lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010


A sus 9 años de edad, Logan ya es el héroe de la familia y de sus conciudadanos de la ciudad de Joliet (Illinois) en Usa. Y es que gracias a sus conocimientos en resucitación cardiopulmonar (RCP) y a su calma, pudo salvar la vida de su hermano menor, de sólo 2 años de edad.

Joliet encontró al pequeño Brendan en la alberca de su casa, flotando boca abajo, según reportó 'The Early Show'. La angustiada madre sacó a su hijo de ahí y comenzó a darle los primeros auxilios, pero Logan notó pronto que ella estaba haciendo las cosas mal.

"Mi hijo me dijo, 'Lo estás haciendo mal'. Me dijo que me quitara de ahí y comenzó a hacer el procedimiento como es debido, ¡y funcionó!", contó la mujer en 'The Early Show'.

"Tapé su nariz, eché su cabeza para atrás, soplé dos veces en su boca, y luego presioné su pecho, y me detuve, porque el agua comenzó a brotar por su boca, y un poco de comida también", dijo Logan cuando lo entrevistaron en el mencionado programa de televisión.

Los papás de Logan se mostraron impresionados por lo que su hijo fue capaz de hacer.

"Incluso como adulto, no sé si podría hacer eso. Podría intentar aplicar RCP, pero tener esa calma y esa paciencia, es algo sorprendente a esa edad", dijo el padre de Logan, Brent Hearn, a 'The Early Show'.

(CBS) When two-year-old Brendan Hearn was discovered face-down in the family pool in Joliet, Ill., last Thursday, his mother, Tabitha, feared the worst and placed a frantic call to 911.

She then started CPR, but after just a few chest compressions, her nine-year-old, Logan Hearn, intervened.

"My son," Tabitha recalls, "said, 'You're doing that wrong,'" and kind of told me just to move out of the way, and did the procedure like it should be done, and it was working!"

Paramedics arrived quickly, Tabitha says.

Logan learned CPR while taking lifeguard lessons.

The story gets even more amazing: Logan had a liver transplant when he was 7-and-a-half months old, getting a part of Tabitha's liver. He's also been off anti-rejection drugs for three years, Tabitha told "Early Show" co-anchor Harry Smith, as part of a clinical study.

Tabitha agreed with Smith's assessment that Logan was a "miracle child" to begin with. "Certainly. Without question," Tabitha said.

She described her moment of terror when she realized little Brendan might be in the pool. "I opened the door," Tabitha said, "to see where Brendan was and I noticed my bedroom door was ajar. I looked outside quickly. The dogs were out there. He was not. I screamed for Logan, 'Where is your brother?" He says, 'I don't know.' And the first thing I thought was, 'He must be in the pool.' I ran outside and there he was, in the pool."

After Tabitha began CPR, Logan told Smith, Logan was thinking, "She's doing it wrong. I don't see anything (any water) coming up."

So, he told Smith, he "just kind of shoved her and said, 'Move a little bit."'

Then, says Logan, "I closed his nose, tilted his head back, blew two breaths in, and then pumped his chest, and then I stopped, because water was just pouring out, and a small amount of food."

Logan's father, Brent Hearn, told Smith, "Even as an adult, I don't know if I could do that. I could try to do CPR, but to have that composure, and to have that patience, you know, is just amazing at that age."

Logan added they'll sure "have a story to tell" Brendan when he grows up!

"I just thank god he was there!" Tabitha concluded.

"I was still a little skittish," Brendan admitted, "but I just still went on and did it."

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